

We coined a new word auracle for the modified (left ear channel muted) headphones that improve hearing. Since spectacles (from the Latin spectaculem) improve how things are seen, the parallel instrument to improve how sounds are heard is based in the Latin word auris for ear. The right-eared listening technique was invented by Laurna (a variant of Laura), who likes the echo of her name in auracle.

It is important to know how you are hearing in each ear, even though the therapy is ONLY for the right ear.

How Do I Use It?

There may be some advantage to using
“studio” or “flat frequency response
 (FFR)” headphones. However, good
 results have been achieved with
 inexpensive headphones (without
 enhanced bass).


Then, What?


Knowledge Is

Using headphones binaurally (with both ears), except for depression, tends to maintain the person’s present way of hearing, whether it is perfectly ideal or whether it is problematic. Since amplified music sends more energy into the brain and body, it tends to “feel good,” whether or not it is causing harm.

A vast number of people own headphones, most of which are used for listening to music. Few of those people realize the potential power of those headphones to change the body for health or for harm, although such effects are already operating on them. Listening to music with headphones affects the smallest structural muscle in the body. It is located in the middle ear and has a far-reaching affect on the brain and nervous systems. Structural muscles move bone. The stapedius muscles move the third bones of hearing (stapes or stirrup) that transmit sound in the environment entering the ear canals from the middle ear to the inner ear and on into the brain AND THROUGHOUT THE BODY. (Environmental or ambient sound also is received by the body through receptors in the skin, through the skeleton, especially the temporal and mastoid bones, and in soft tissue.) Remarkably little has been known about the effects on the body of sound. Much speculation and fantasy has filled the vacuum. Laurna Tallman’s independent research and discoveries have broken new ground on this scientific frontier.

What about binaural listening with headphones?

Binaural listening, if the music is high-frequency, not too loud, and listened to for only an hour or two per day can correct mild conditions, such as dyslexia or fatigue, but not as efficiently as Focused Listening™ because some left-ear distortions are being reinforced and the dominance of the right ear is not being prioritized. This approach was used by Tomatis and by Bérard and has been copied by dozens of other music therapies. But it is unlikely to cure autism and, as Bérard noted, can make schizophrenia worse. Although Bérard did not know about the Tallman Paradigm™, it explains his observation that his AIT program should not be used by schizophrenics.

Binaural listening may be the best approach for moderate to severe depression. The audiogram is very important if depression is suspected! You need to know where the problem lies in order to choose the best therapeutic method. We talk more about this serious health issue in Levels 2 and 3.

Focused Listening™ reinforces the neural pathways LIKE THOSE OF OF A PERSON WHO IS RIGHT-EAR DOMINANT. Gradually establishing those neural pathways as the dominant ones will also speed up cerebral integration. In doing so, the music therapy may be clearing inflammation in the brain, For the brain and body to function efficiently, right-ear dominant neurology is essential.