
Laurna Tallman is not a physician or medically trained. She is a citizen scientist who invented Focused Listening™ music therapy, which led her to important discoveries about the neurology of human behavior. FL™ drives emerging science. Benefits are likely, according to Laurna Tallman’s clinical and intellectual research, but are not guaranteed by Laurna Tallman or by any enterprise associated with her. The information on this website, including the information in books and other materials, and its associated phone application is based on research, observation, and the reporting of people who have used Focused Listening™ music therapy. While details regarding therapy and drug treatment are described, this information should not be taken as medical advice, directly or indirectly, nor should it be a substitute for the medical advice of a physician.

If readers taking a psychiatric drug wish to discontinue, they are advised to talk directly to a physician expert in low-drug or non-drug therapies. Neither the web host nor the author will be held responsible for the results of any path, therapy, or treatment undertaken as a result of reading books offered at this website, the content of the website, or of the phone application. The author disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, as to any matter relating to these books and websites, including without limitation its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the publisher or author be liable for any direct or indirect, special, or incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the materials and information in these books and websites. Readers are invited to compare Laurna Tallman’s discoveries, clinical observations, and anecdotal reporting with the scientific research of others in this field. User’s of Focused Listening™ music therapy do so at their own risk.