1. Consider getting an Audiogram.
2. Make your headphones into an Auracle.
3. Test yourself before you start, with the Pre-Test.
4. Choose the best kind of Music for Focused Listening™
5. Make sure you know about Listening Times.
6. Do your Focused Listening™ every day.
7. Keep track of your Focused Listening™ times and experiences in your Focused Listening™ Logbook.
8. After you have been using Focused Listening™ for three weeks, test yourself with the Post-Test .
9. Consider getting another audiogram to see if and how your hearing has changed. If you cannot interpret the changes in your audiogram, consider sharing them here.
10. If you have not felt or seen enough change, check the pages with details listed in the banner at the top of this page to make sure you are using Focused Listening™ correctly. Are you sure your diagnosis is correct? Is some other factor interfering with the therapy? Continue with Focused Listening™ for three more weeks, then repeat steps 8 and 9.
11. If you still have not seen enough change, you may have a condition more severe than those discussed in Focused Listening™ Level 1. Are you sure your diagnosis is correct? Check with your doctor to make sure you have not developed a different problem — a comorbidity. Consider Focused Listening™ Level 2, for more persistent conditions, or Level 3, for chronic conditions that have not been treated or that have been treated with harmful drugs or a binaural music method. [Levels 2 and 3 are under development, but more information is available in Laurna Tallman’s publications here.]