Focused Listening™ is a unique music therapy based on new science

Focused Listening™ is a unique, scientific music therapy that exercises the right ear so a person can connect better with the high-frequency sound in the environment. This website expands the phone application Focused Listening™ Level 1.
More detailed information is available at the sister website of the author Laurna Tallman.
We welcome your Comments on your Focused Listening™ experiences and your
questions. You also can contact the author directly.
Focused Listening™ Level 1 phone app is directed to people who want to improve their listening ability and to improve
their energy level. This website aims to teach you as much about your ears as you already know about your eyes.
You don’t do harmful things like look directly at the sun!
You should not do harmful things like exposing your ears to sound that is too loud, too low-frequency, for too long, and too close to your eardrums.
What is an Auracle?
An Auracle is a set of over-the-ear headphones with the left ear channel muffled or muted so that listening is
happening ONLY with the right ear! You can easily make your own Auracle from ordinary headphones that do not have enhanced bass. Directions are here.
Ear buds should not be used for listening to music because they bring amplified sound too close to the eardrum.
Who can benefit from doing Focused Listening™ with an Auracle?

SOUND IS A FORM OF ENERGY. Most people would welcome a little more energy! But that does not mean increasing the volume of the music headphones amplify. The ear itself amplifies sound entering through the ear canal. Headphones played at low to moderate volumes further amplify sound before it enters the ear canal to increase the sound energy flowing into the ear. You should not turn up the volume of the source sound beyond a moderate or medium volume where you can comfortably hear it. Your ear will get enough exercise at that level.
ALMOST ANYONE can benefit from the energy boost that comes from a few one-hour sessions of Focused Listening™ with
an Auracle. However, some of those people simply are enhancing their already excellent hearing, while others will be strengthening their ear mechanism with astonishing
results. People with left-ear depression should not use Focused Listening™. We discuss depression in Level2, which is under development.
It is as important to PROTECT YOUR EAR as it is to give it ENOUGH SOUND to keep the muscles active and toned. You need enough light to be able to see but you must protect your eyes from too much light or you will burn your retinas. People have not understood enough about their ears to learn how to protect them. Headphones have great power to change your ear and your neurology, but you must listen within ranges of safety or you may harm yourself.
People who can improve their hearing with Focused Listening™ music therapy include those with genetic weakness in the ear (a common cause of dyslexia) or who have experienced Assaults that Can Harm Ears.
The time period to use daily sessions of Focused Listening™ to improve and sustain ear function depends on factors that are explained at Listening Times for Focused Listening™.
Who should not use Focused Listening™ Level 1?
Those who cannot benefit from Focused Listening™ are people who are completely deaf in the right ear, although some people with significant deafness might experience
considerable benefit. Focused Listening™ has not been tested on children under 5 years of age and is not recommended for preschool children.
People who are taking medications that affect muscle will not feel the full effects of Focused Listening™ music therapy unless they withdraw the drug or drugs. Those
are cost/benefit conflicts that need to be weighed carefully with a well-informed physician.
Focused Listening™ music therapy can be supportive of the ear during a withdrawal process. In some cases, the drug damage
will be too severe to repair. However, some people with extensive substance abuse have found Focused Listening™ helpful. If you are thinking about withdrawing a prescribed drug, do so under the supervision of your physician.
Focused Listening™ Levels 2 and 3 explore more complex conditions for which Focused Listening™ has been very helpful, such as bipolar disorder, schizophreniform illness
(schizophrenia and bipolar I), dementia, mild depression, and addictions.
Focused Listening™ is driving an emerging science
Focused Listening™ may be helpful to people with brain problems that do not originate in the ears, such as stroke. People with illnesses that affect muscle, such as Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and muscular dystrophy, might find Focused Listening™ supportive, if not fully healing. Based on some such people’s responses to ambient (binaural) music, it is possible that Focused Listening™ would be superior to ambient sound and other binaural methods.
If you are interested in applying Focused Listening™ for a condition more complicated than a listening problem or fatigue, you will be interested to know that the therapy is exactly the same. You may have complicating factors to consider, such as medications, age, coexisting conditions, social expectations from people not acquainted with the power of music to alter the body, including physicians and other health care professionals. You may need to use Focused Listening™ daily or several times a week or according to some schedule you find works for you.
The How and Why of Focused Listening™
Pre-Test and Post-Test for Printing
Listening Times for Focused Listening™
Your Focused Listening™ Logbook [printout]
Focused Listening™ Helpful Hints
Focused Listening™ with Auracles is Copyright ©2024 Laurna Tallman. Tallman Paradigm™ Focused Listening™ (TPFL™) and associated trademarks and the content of Focused Listening™ phone application and this website are the intellectual property of Laurna Tallman. All Rights Reserved. Permission from Laurna Tallman is required for reproducing any material on this phone application and/or website.